
Framed Reproduction Oil Painting of "Seascape at Saintes-Maries" by Vincent Van Gogh

Framed reproduction oil painting of "Seascape at Saintes-Maries" by Vincent Van Gogh. The original painting was created in 1888 during Van Gogh's time in Arles, France and depicts fishing boats on the sea near the town of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. It showcases Van Gogh's distinctive Post-Impressionist style with its bold colors, thick brushstrokes, and expressive use of line. This painting is considered one of Van Gogh's most famous seascapes and offers a glimpse into his fascination with the natural world and his emotional response to it.

Author Vincent Van Gogh
Model "Seascape At Saintes-Maries"
Dimensions 49.0ʺW x 1.5ʺD x 37.0ʺH
Item ID 1065037
# Pieces 1
Original Price $3,000.00
Item Location Bay Area

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